Profit Over Perfectionism: Streamlining Success in Business

Do you find yourself spending excessive time on minor details rather than on strategic, big-picture tasks that actually drive growth? Recently, I spent 2 hours on a single social media post. I created a video, edited the video, and did a voice-over of the video, then there was copy creation, tagging folks, etc. etc. I don’t normally spend this much time on a single post. But, sometimes I can get “caught up” in things that take me away from my core work for too long. Let’s discuss what it looks like to prioritize profitability over perfection.

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The Golden Ticket: Great Business Credit

One of my all-time favorite movies is the original 1971 Willy Wonka movie with Gene Wilder.  Every time I watch I still get excited as Charlie opens his candy bar and finds the golden ticket which changes the trajectory of his life!  Well, my topic in this blog is a little like that golden ticket in that it can greatly change the trajectory of a business by helping support its next level of growth. 

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Fraud Prevention Starts with You (Updated 2023)

Fraudsters are often thought of as external actors, but can often be internal

Imagine working hard to hit the next level in your business.  The money is flowing well, the business is profitable.  Then, someone comes along and decides to take a significant chunk of what you have earned.  That is exactly what happened to my dentist’s practice. Several years ago, my dentist’s practice was a victim of fraud.  It was an inside job.  An employee embezzled more than $2 million.  After the incident, the […]

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