Your Financial Crystal Ball

Do you ever wish you had a crystal ball when it came to the future of your business’ finances? Do you wish you had something to answer questions like: “Can I afford to hire a VA, or staff so I can “clone myself” and begin to step out of doing it all?” “When will I have enough money to pull the trigger on that expensive new piece of equipment?” ”When […]

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Are You Growing or Are You Scaling? (Black History Month Edition)

As an entrepreneur you have probably heard the words grow and scale used interchangeably.  However, they are not the same thing and understanding the difference is critical for business owners who don’t want to work harder to achieve the same results and are serious about the long-term success of their businesses.  As a child growing up in St. Louis, I attended the annual Annie Malone Parade. I haven’t attended the […]

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How to Have the Easiest Tax Year Ever

Imagine if tax season was a smooth and easy process you finished early and barely had to think about each year at tax time. What if you already had a plan in place (before Dec 31) to pay the minimum in taxes (legally) and you were on track to achieve that plan? What if you knew your records were so clean that the IRS agents would be high fiving and […]

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Inflation: One More Thing to Consider When Pricing

Leslie Taylor & Associates

When your pricing is right, your business is better positioned to function at its absolute best.  You and your team aren’t having to work as hard to be profitable and the business is better able to afford the things it needs to operate effectively.  In this blog, I will discuss an additional area that many business owners forget to consider when pricing their goods and services. Over the past few […]

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